The busy Kindred shop

Yard sale results better than ever!

Thanks to everyone who helped to make our big annual community event, the yard sale, such a resounding success.  With the weather being dry and warmish, the publicity being better than ever and the date of our special day now being linked to the Sunday of the local Victoria Day holiday, all ingredients were there to make it better than ever!

Although there were fewer registered sellers (27) than the 34 of 2016, the Colonies streets were busier than ever and the total raised of almost £4,500 exceeded all previous amounts, including a record total of £2,010.65, which was raised for the following charities:

Kindred; Macmillan Complementary Therapy Service; Practical Action; Edinburgh Food Bank; Cancer Research; Empathy in Mind; Maggie’s Centre; Save the Children; Royal Botanic Gardens Edinburgh; Medecins Sans Frontieres, Royal National Lifeboat Institute.

Special congratulations go to Ann in Glenogle Place who exceeded all previous individual yard sale results by raising an amazing £500.31 for Macmillan Complementary Therapy Centre from her sale in the garage and garden of plants, home baking, delicious hand-made truffles, bric-a-brac, refreshments and general household clearance.  Particular thanks also go to the Olive Branch Bistro in Broughton Street for their generous donation of a £50 voucher as a prize in the Tombola, which raised £185.

To see some photos of the day, go to the Colonies Facebook page at: