Yard sale, 22nd May, 2016

Thank you to everyone who helped to make this year’s yard sale event such a great success. We were lucky with the weather being dry and calm and even sunny but the best thing of all was seeing so many Colonies’ residents working together and having fun – it certainly felt like the busiest sale ever!

To see photographs of the day go toP1090331 www.facebook.com/StockbridgeColonies

A total of 34 households participated, selling delicious home baking, plants, books, artwork and lots of other interesting, innovative and intriguing stuff.  Face painting was as popular as ever and there was music in several streets, helping to create a real party atmosphere. Let’s hope that even more talented residents will be inspired to perform in the future.  The impromptu busking outside Glenogle House helped to lure curious strollers on the Rocheid Path into the Colonies at the east end and Paul (of Epic Chalk fame!) set up shop on Bridge Place, thereby helping to draw customers in from the Stockbridge end.  For the first time, Glenogle Baths staff were involved and offered free 10-minute neck massages, gym and fitness advice.   There was a generous sprinkling of bunting adding to the carnival atmosphere to such an extent that we’d love to have some in every street next year.

The total takings amounted to £3528.95, of which £604.21 was donated to SCRA (including over £160 raised by the tombola, thanks to the hard work of Kenny Johnstone and Charlie Jennings and prizes kindly donated by Colonies residents).

The total also included £1055.60 donated to the following charitable causes:

  • Hear My Music
  • Kindred
  • Macmillan Cancer Support
  • Mullanjé Mission Hospital, Malawi
  • Ngamo village, Zimbabwe
  • Practical Action
  • Stockbridge Girls Brigade
  • Stockbridge School Nursery

All in all a great day – why not take part yourself next year?!