Yard sale 2019 – bumper results so far!

Greatly relieved that the constant rain on the eve of our 2019 yard sale had ceased overnight, our 43 sellers could set up shop in their gardens confidently!  An hour before the official start of the event, browsers were already trying to be the earliest worm to have the pick of the plants and so by 2pm, the crowds arrived!  Many have commented that this year’s sale seemed to draw in more people than ever and certainly many of our buyers flowed down from Stockbridge Market, keen to make the most of the warm, dry afternoon in this leafy part of town.

Our Colonies Cakes, selling home baking by residents, in the prime position of 1 Reid Terrace had sold out within 90 minutes but continued to persuade browsers to venture through the alley to the west side of Reid Terrace where Nick served delicious artisan roast coffee from his Kiva Van. Fiona’s successful studio sale was next door to Nick and then our next novelty was Geoff with his potter’s wheel on which we could have a throw – a fantastic new addition!  It was noted and much appreciated that this side of Reid Terrace participated and contributed in no small part to this year’s event!

The perennial favourites of plants and home baking plus toys, ceramics, teas, vintage clothes and accessories all pulled in the crowds, with many residents opting to donate all their proceeds to their chosen charity this year.  There was a constant and orderly queue of little girls at Phoebe’s Face-painting – how patient they all were!

A photo album capturing the afternoon’s atmosphere (plus dogs and greenery!) is on our Facebook page.

Judging by the results so far from 42 houses, totalling £6546, of which £1885 is for charities, all previous records have been broken so a big thank you goes to everyone who helped make this such a great success not only in terms of money raised but, much more importantly, in terms of community spirit! Here’s to May 2020 but if you can’t wait that long, our Creative Colonies event, showcasing and selling new artwork by our creative residents will be on a Sunday afternoon in the latter half of November!