Yard sale 2017 – Sunday, 21st May, 2-5pm

The most popular event of the Colonies year will be on Sunday afternoon, 21st May.  Everyone is invited to participate, be it as a seller, a buyer, a musician, a face painter, a browser, a cook, a consumer… or just make the most of the opportunity to meet your neighbours, friends, other residents and have a good time!  Whether you’d like to declutter your home, paint faces, offer home baking, play music, sell seedlings – anything goes and you just set up shop in your garden with the proceeds going to your choice of recipient or maybe you’d like your favourite charity to receive some or all of your profit, in which case, this is the perfect fund-raising afternoon!  It can be good to ‘share a shop’ with a friend or neighbour and if you don’t know who to share with, just get in touch.

This year’s organiser is Elke Williams on 0131 343 3382 and coloniesyardsale@gmail.com.  See photos of our previous yard sales on our Facebook page and read the reports on this website.  Please contact Elke if you’d like to register to sell (just £5 to participate but no charge if you’re fund-raising for a charity) so that your address can be included and you’ll receive a seller’s pack including helpful hints!


Last but very definitely not least, please invite your friends and family, as it’s very much an event for everyone!