Stockbridge Colonies Residents’ Association
AGM, Thursday, 17th March 2016
Committee –Be Morris, Caro Tulloch, Dorothy Dobson, Ian McLean, Jane Wood, Elke Williams, Irene McGowan, Rose PipesResidents: 15
Apologies: Isobel Bathgate, Samantha Dick, Alistair Hulbert, Liz Law
Minutes of the previous AGM were accepted as accurate. They are posted on the Colonies’ website
Annual Reports
Planning Guidelines
The revised leaflet was delivered to all residents and will be delivered to all new residents together with the updated Welcome Leaflet
Stone Pillars and Gates
The stone pillars and gates that were previously sited at Bells Bridge are still being kept in storage by the Council. The committee has forwarded to the Council a list of possible sites which have been identified by Colonies’ residents. All will need to be assessed by the Council’s Planning Department.
Rocheid Path consultation
After failing to achieve a consensus about the future of the ‘Dell’ the Council has decided to carry out a consultation of people living close to the Rocheid Path about the future of the whole path. The committee has been involved in discussions about the format and content of the consultation, which is expected to be issued soon after Easter. Several residents expressed concerns that the Council and some members of the Friends of Rocheid Path seemed to want to revisit the previous alterations to the ‘Dell’ which had resulted in serious anti-social behaviour. Pat Bryden reminded the meeting of the positive role that FoRP has played in maintain the path and Ian Mclean reminded the meeting that membership of FoRP is open to all.It is very important that Colonies residents take part in the consultation. The committee will do all it can to publicise it through Grapevine and the Website.
The new system adopted by the Council in relation to waste and recycling collection has taken up a great deal of the committee’s time. Hopefully it will now settle down. All agreed that it was vital that all residents appropriately marked all of their bins. Street Convenors will assist anyone who needs help to mark their bins.
Outstanding flood wall works
The Council has made no progress in relation to implementing its proposals to take steps to prevent people from walking on the wall and ledge. Several residents expressed concern that this still remained a serious issue. The committee will pursue it.
From the floor a question was raised about outings for the elderly which had been previously organised. The committee will look into the viability and need for such outings.
Thanks were given to:
a. Jane Wood for her work in maintaining the Grapevine and the Facebook page as well as uploading material to the Website.
b. Isobel Bathgate for her work in maintaining the Website and producing Newsline
c. Amanda Farquhar Scott and the small group of volunteers for their work in maintaining the garden at Falshaw Bridge – more volunteers would be welcome.
d. Fiona McNeilage for allowing us to site the Colonies’ Christmas Tree in her garden, and provide free electricity for the lights.
e. Rachel Hazell for her initiative in starting the free community library
Clean-up: This year the clean-up took place on Sunday 10 May, in conjunction with Water of Leith Conservation Trust and Stockbridge Community Council. Although there were only a small number of Colonies residents, the clean-up was successful and a great deal of rubbish was collected.
Yard Sale : Amanda Bennett reported that, despite the poor weather, the Yard Sale, with 31 stalls, had raised £579.48 for Colonies’ funds and £1683.28 for various charities.
This year the Yard Sale will be on Sunday 22 May and will be organised by Elke Williams. Please contact Elke if you are interested in participating.
Plant growing : Caro Tulloch reported that, after last year’s Stargazer Lilies, this year the competition will return to Sunflowers, and seeds are on sale now.
Garden competition: Rose Pipes gave details of this competition which this year will have a new judge, Patrick Scott, and will be judged in early July.
Creative Colonies: Jane reported on this event which showcases the talents of Colonies residents. Although there were only 7 sellers and the weather was atrocious, the total takings amounted to over £1300.
Ceilidh: Be Morris reported on the Colonies Ceilidh dance, which was organised by Hamish Moore, and was a great success. Hamish is planning another ceilidh in January 2017 and would also like to organise further ceilidhs at other times of the year.
Carol Singing: A mild December afternoon saw a good turn-out of carol singers who raised £515-32 for the Refugee Survival Trust, the charity chosen by our poll.
Quiz night: Another very enjoyable evening was enjoyed by all, thanks to the combined efforts of new quizmaster, John Hasler, and compere supreme, Caroline Read, raising £110 for Health in Mind. After a thrilling contest, wo teams, Unintelligentsia and Three-legged-dog, tied for first place, but, after a tie-break, the winners were Three-legged-dog.
Presentation of Accounts
On behalf of the treasurer, Samantha Dick, Ian Mclean presented the accounts for 2015/6. He highlighted the fact that the accounts no longer included the funds of the Colonies Choir which has set up its own bank account.
The accounts were ratified with no objections
Election of committee members
The following existing committee members were re-elected:
Be Morris; Caro Tulloch; Dorothy Dobson; Elke Williams; Ian McLean; Irene McGowan; Isobel Bathgate; Rose Pipes; Samantha Dick
A presentation was made to Jane Wood, who was retiring from the committee, in recognition of all of her work over seven years, particularly the contribution she made by initiating the Yard Sale, managing the Grapevine, the Website and the Colonies Facebook page. Although retiring from the committee Jane will continue to manage the Website and Facebook page.
Street Convenors
Thanks were expressed to all street convenors, and especially to Lisa Grosbusch and Magnus Robertson, who are retiring and will be replaced by Bill Brownlee(Collins/Balmoral) and Lorinda Calder(Kemp/Bell)