Thanks to Montie and Mags of Inverleith Petanque Club and perfect weather, we had a delightful afternoon on Sunday, 4th June. Several Colonies residents and members of the Colonies Choir made the most of the club’s kind invitation to learn how to play the game and all of us were so engrossed that the hours flew by into the evening! It was great fun.
Some of us are now sufficiently keen to play again that we’ll definitely go along to the open evenings at the club at 7pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays during the summer. Everyone is welcome to join in and Montie recommends arriving promptly at 7pm to ensure you’re placed in a team. See for more details.
We’re planning a 2nd afternoon taster session for Colonies residents and friends, starting at 2pm on Sunday, 8th October. If you’d like to get in touch about this or coming along with other Colonies residents on a Tuesday orThursday evening, please email