October 2014 Meeting notes

SCRA Committee and Street Convenors meeting 6 October 2014  

Attended by:

Committee – Dorothy Dobson, Amanda Bennett, Rose Pipes, Jane Wood, Ian Mclean

Street Convenors – Joyce Anderson, Anne Young, Chris Lumb

Apologies from:

Committee– Isobel Bathgate, Amanda Farquhar Scott, Be Morris, Caro Tulloch, Joan Battersby, Samantha Dick

Street Convenors-Chris Pearson, Jan Tapson, Irene McGowan, Christine Mclaren, Morag Fitchet

1. Matters arising from meeting on 5 May

a. The Flyer: Feedback from this has been reasonably positive, with approximately 30 new subscribers to Grapevine

b. Welcome leaflet: This has not yet been reprinted, pending revision of the section on planning, but there are still copies available if needed. The leaflet is also on the website.

c. Planning: RP and IM reported on discussions with the Council, which they felt had been positive. As a result JW had been able to put out an update on Grapevine and the website, reminding residents what is expected and also how to contact the Council’s planning enforcement section where there are concerns about any new alterations. RP and IM recommended that SCRA should produce an updated version of the Council’s previous planning guidance booklet for the Colonies, which would cost approx. £400 for 500 copies. Reservations were expressed about spending this amount of money on publishing a booklet, when all of the information could be made available on the website or Grapevine, but as a counter argument it was suggested that a hard copy would have more impact. It was agreed that trying to ensure that all alterations to houses in the Colonies were consistent with planning guidelines should be a priority for SCRA. One possibility was that we might invite someone from the planning department to speak at next year’s AGM. It was agreed that RP and IM should explore the possibility of external funding (from the Council or other bodies) to meet the cost of a booklet. In the meantime, in the light of large number of properties changing hands at the present time, it was agreed that RP and IM should prepare an abbreviated version of the guidance to give to street convenors so that they make sure that the information is available for anyone new to the Colonies.

2. Matters arising from meeting on 4 August

a. Sunflower competition: The judging is completed and prizes awarded, although the seeds did not grow as well as last year. CT would like suggestions for what we should grow next year,

b. Falshaw Bridge garden: It was agreed to authorise approx. £20 to be spent on bulbs for flowering next spring.

 3. Future Events

a. Creative Colonies: JW confirmed that everything is in hand for this event on 9 November, for which there are 9 participants signed up. b. Colonies’ Choir Christmas party: This is planned for Wednesday 17 December at 7.30 at the Life Care centre. The choir invites friends to attend a performance, and this invitation is effectively extended to all Colonies residents.  It was felt that there might be some Colonies residents who would like to attend, but might not feel able to get to the Life Care centre unassisted in the evening. The committee had previously agreed to organise transport for any such residents, if required, and sought the help of street convenors in identifying residents who might like to take advantage of this offer. The street convenors supported this proposal.

c. Quiz Night: It was agreed to repeat this popular event and to ask the previous quizmaster, DC, it he would be willing to host the event again, on the basis that the proceeds from the evening would be divided between SCRA and a charity of his choice. IM will ask.

d. AGM: It was agreed that JW should ask on Grapevine for suggestions from residents as to who might be a suitable speaker.

4. Steps at Gabriel’s road Information had been previously circulated about the problem of people falling on the steps, and the news from the Council that they were proposing to reconstruct the steps. It was agreed that IM should write to the Council to express our concerns that any reconstruction would risk destroying the character of the steps, and to request that other ways should be considered for reducing the risk of people falling, including: *Asking the Academy to cut back the trees that overhang the steps and exacerbate the problem *Increasing the frequency of sweeping leaves from the steps *Increasing the frequency of power washing the steps *Putting up appropriate signs to warn people of the risks, particularly during wet weather JW will also put a notice on Grapevine reminding people to take care  

5. Flood Protection update JA reported that she is still having ongoing problems trying to get the Council to deal with all of the outstanding issues in her garden, but that since a recent change of personnel, she was more optimistic. IM reported along similar lines in relation to the more general issues which the committee has been pursuing. Recent correspondence has indicated a more positive attitude from the Council, although nothing firm has yet been forthcoming. The Council official now responsible for flood protection matters is Jonathan James. It was noted that, although the use of the ledge as a footpath has decreased, despite the fact that no deterrent planting has yet been done, the problem of people, especially children, walking on the wall has not diminished.  

6. Proposed 20 mph limit Information had been circulated previously about the Council’s consultation on the above proposal, which ends on 17 October. After discussion, it was agreed that IM should respond to the consultation on behalf of SCRA to indicate that SCRA supports the proposal, especially for Glenogle road.

7. Stone Plinths and Gates from Bell’s Bridge Information had been circulated previously about correspondence with the Council on the above subject. After discussion it was agreed that IM should write to the Council to ask for clarification of some of the points in the most recent email, and to suggest that consideration be given to siting the plinths and gates as a feature in the Falshaw Bridge garden.  

AOCB IM raised an issue that had been suggested by a resident in Reid Terrace, for SCRA to fund the installation of Christmas lights in a tree at the Arboretum Triangle. After discussion it was decided, due to possible cost and the risk of vandalism, not to pursue this idea, but instead to seek again to erect a Christmas tree with lights in a garden at the end of Reid Terrace.

Date of next meeting of SCRA committee: Monday 1 December at 23 Teviotdale Place

It was also agreed that the next joint meeting of the committee and street convenors should be the meeting immediately following the AGM