Stockbridge Colonies Residents’ Assocation Committee Meeting 3rd October 2011.
Present :- Jean Butterworth, Chris Lumb, Ian Cunningham, Dorothy Dobson, Morag Fitchet, Gill Brittle, Jane Wood, Jane Marie Smith, Richard.
1. Apologies :- Isobel Bathgate.
2. Acceptance of meeting note from 1st August, 2011. The meeting note was accepted.
3. Dates for Your Diary.
Carol Singing. This will be held on Sunday 18th December. The web site allowed residents to vote for which charity they would like to receive the proceeds of the carol singing. St Columba’s hospice received around 50% of the votes. Voting will be held open for one more week. Grapevine will be used to encourage people to vote. Action: Jane W.
AGM. Wednesday 21st March was selected as the date for the AGM. Tanfield will again be used as a venue, if this is covenient for Tanfield Bowling Club. The big upstairs bar is preferred as a venue but again this depends on what suits the Bowling Club. Action : Gill to book venue.
Representatives from Lagan will be asked to speak at the AGM. Action: Chris. Chris will also ask Lagan about the white noticeboard by Falshaw Bridge and the bench that has been fenced in by sandbags.
Quiz Night. Dates at the moment are either 3rd or 24th February, 2012. Richard has been preparing different types of rounds e.g. joker round, wipe out round, find the connection, pictures, general knowledge, current events. Action: Richard.
Tanfield is the preferred venue although it will charge if the quiz is held on the preferred evening of a Friday. (Church hall cost £60 to hire) Tanfield will also be asked if they sell wine by the bottle, if they have microphone/sound system, if it is possible for us to bring our own snacks. Action : Gill.
Raffle will also be organised. Action : Gill
Chris will extend an invitation to Lagan to come along to the Quiz night too. Action: Chris.
Yard Sale. This will be held on the same weekend as the Botanics Plant Sale. Date to be confirmed.
Stockbridge Pipe Band has also been approached about playing at one of our events. They are happy to do so. The meeting decided that it would be good to have the band playing at the Jubilee Party.
Jubilee Party. The date of Sunday 3rd June was agreed. It would be good if Glenogle Road could be closed. Insurance will have to be taken out for the event. Jane S will ask a neighbour if he and his partner will play. Action : Jane S.
Spud in a Bucket. This will not run on 2012. Instead a pumpkin growing competition may be run.
Garden Competition. Jane W will ask the Botanics if they can provide a judge. Action: Jane W.
4. Flood Prevention.
The plans for reinstatement of roads and pavements have to be obtained. Also, the amount of mud and dust is causing problems for cyclists and pedestrians and needs to be cleaned up to a better standard than at present. Action : Chris.
The meeting agreed that the work is progressing well and although it can be noisey at times, such inconvenience is inevitable.
5. Environment.
Snakey Plaques. Bill Brownlee has kindly offerred to fix the plaques. The position of the plaques was discussed and it was agreed that one should be on the right hand side past the first bench, at eye level. Ian and Morag to look at where the plaques should be placed. A hammer drill is required and the Grapevine will be used to see if any residents can help. Morag said that two plaques had been made, at a total cost of £196.80. Both plaques should therefore be mounted. Action : Morag.
Dog Fouling. Ian reported that the Environmental Wardens had attended the Neighbourhood Partnership meeting and informed the meeting that two people had been fined for allowing their dogs to foul the area. The meeting applauded such action and hoped that this will encourage people to collect their dog mess. Jane W gave her update from Steve Cuthll, CEC, regarding additional bins. Additional bins will be provided once the flood prevention work has been completed. Jane S volunteered to make notices for the noticeboards. Action : Jane S.
Parking.John Richmond to be invited to attend the next meeting to discuss parking and changes to yellow lines. Action : Gill.
Mink Count. CEC are undertaking a count of the number of mink around Rocheid Path and the Water of Leith since the numbers have increased. Once the scale of the problem has been established, CEC will instruct action as appropriate.
Selling off of part of Inverleith Park. Ian updated the meeting about the latest postion on CEC’s proposals to sell off part of Inverleith Park for housing developments. There is a CEC meeting the following day at 9am to decide.
6. Update from Neighbourhood Partnership Meetings. See above.
7. Friends of Rocheid Path.
A meeting will be helpd at 6.30pm on 25th October at Edinburgh Academy, to constitute the group.
8. Newsline. The frequency of Newsline to be checked. Action : Gill.
Website. The possibility of posting recommendations on the website was discussed at length. The meeting concluded that this would not be taken forward because it becomes very complicated if different residents have different views on tradesmen. Also, standards of work may very over time – this too could be difficult if the website was recommending a company that was now regarded as sub-standard.
Jane S raised the starter pack. Gill said there may be one in the case of paper Jean had handed in. She will have a look. Action : Gill.
9. Grapevine.
Morag apologised for technical problems that will hopefully get sorted out fairly soon. Jane, Gill are happy to check the emails. Action : Jane W, Gill
10. AOCB. No items raised.
12. Date of Next Meeting.
Monday 5th December at Dorothy’s.