SCRA Convenors and Committee Meeting.
7.30pm, Wednesday 24th November. Tanfield Bowling Club.
Apologies :- Edith Wellwood, Dorothy Dobson, John Garrick, Morag Fitchet, Jean Butterworth, Isobel Bathgate.
Present :- Ian Cinningham, Gill Brittle, Chris Lumb, Jane Smith, Jane Wood, Rex Walker, Joyce Anderson, Stephen Jones, Roman Bojczyk, Dave Gray-Buchanan, Be Morris, Jan Tapson, Darren Mirfield, Joan Baltesby, Chris Pearson.
1. Welcome. Ian Cunningham extended a warm welcome to everyone. He explained that the Committee felt that it would be an excellent opportunity to invite all the Street Convenors to one of the usual committee meetings to discuss local issues and make sure the committee was progressing matters of importance.
2. Role of Stree Convenor. The meeting discussed the role of the street convenor and all agreed that the street convenors deliver Newsline an other information leaflets on behalf of the committee, extend a welcome to new neighbours as well as keeping up to date with matters that affected the whole community. It was acknowledged that it is diffiult to identify new residents since so many properties are rented and there is a rapid turnover of residents. Action – develop cards with information about Stockbridge Colonies website, grapevine, noticeboads and SCRA that can be issued to new residents. This may replace the old style welcome pack that contained information about bin day, planning guidelines etc. Since plannng guidelines change, it may be better to tell people where to find the up to date version rather than hand out old guidelines.
A question was raised about how long street convenors should serve and whether they need to find a replacement should they stand down. It was stated that street convenors can serve for as long as they want. If they want to stand down, they should tell a committee member and a replacement will be sought at the AGM.
3. Dates for Your Diary.
Carol Singing is at 4.30pm on Sunday, 19th December. Meet at Falshaw Bridge. All are welcome and if you play a portable instrument, you will be more than welcome. Last year around 25 people joined in. All money raised this yer will be donated to Maggie’s Centre. The meeting discussed the charity supported and whether more than one charity should be supported each year. It was explained that it’s difficult to support more than one charity as we have to contact with each charity directly and arrange collection and deposit of collecting tins. Local charities make this simpler. Therefore it was agreed that we would donte to one charity however, the selection of the charity would be raised at the AGM. Action – ask for charities to be nominated at the AGM.
AGM is on Wednesday 23rd March at Tanfield Bowling Club. It was suggested that the format of having guest speaks be continued as it makes the AGM more interesting. It was suggested that a representative from ARUP be asked – this lead the meeting onto Flood Defences.
Flood Defences. Residents have received information about survey work that would have to be done and in some cases, photos have been taken inside and ouside some houses. Notices are tied onto lampposts informing residents that work in progressing. Rose Pipes has requested a public meeting to understand fully what is happening as there seems to be little consistency in the information received and the approach taken. At this stage, no contractor has been appointed and it is likely that the approach of each contractor will differ. Therefore any public meeting should be timed to coincide with the appoitment of the main contractor. The meeting was made aware too that only a single objection was required to invoke objection procedures that would delay the work. Action – ask the Council for a meeting ASAP, probably before the AGM. John Wharrie at the Council was suggested as primary contact. The meeting also agreed that due to improved management of the reservoirs and other completed flood prevention measures the Council should be challenged to justify any proposed flood prevention work that makes major structural changes to end walls.
4. Environment.
Bench for Snakey. The commitee and Council had met to consider the location and type of bench that should be installed. Two metal seats will be installed in the wall going up the Snakey. Final plans are awaited from the Council as well completing the planing and installation procedures. This has taken quite a bit of time and no date for completion of the work has yet been received.
Flood Prevention. Coveed under Item 3.
Dog Fouling. This has been raised at the Neighbourhood Partership meetings but disappointly, very little progress has been made. Jane Smith has contacted them too regarding placing more signage and bins. Action – Committee to progress.
New Street Lights. Examples of the new lights have been set up in Teviotdale/Avondale Place. The new lights should reduce light pollution but concern was raised that because of the light being funnelled downwards, less light shines onto the stairs and doors of upper colonies. No date for installing the lights has been set and it may be that the lights are installed on a street by street basis. The Council has also said that trees that intefere with installation of the lights or the amount of light that is given out, will have to be pruned at the relevant household’s expense. Action – ask Council about light being decreased to upper colonies as this may be seen as a security risk.
5. Update from Neighbourhood Partnership Meetings. Ian and Jean attend these and dog fouling and state of pavements in Bell Place, Glenogles Place, Terrace, House have been raised. The Inverleith NP has approved money to improve the pavements which would be a huge improvement. Dates for the work are not yet know. Inverleith Park has been awarded Green Flag status – a major award for the park. The next NP meeting is on 29th November.
6. Newsline. The latest ediion of Newsline was issued earlier in the month. Due to printing costs, it was produced in black & white. Other options will be considered before the next Newsline is produced.
7. Stockbridgecolonies website. This is up and running and everyone is encouraged to use it. Setting up a blog was requested as well as infomation regarding user stats. Action – discuss with Isobel.
8. Grapevine. Well used and Morag is frequently asked to add new email addresses to the distribution list.
9.AOCB. Inconsiderate parking was discussed and although not everyone agreed, it was agreed that people should park considerately and responsibly.
The meeting thanked Roman from Glenogle Road Residents Association for coming to the meeting and we look forward to continuing communication.
10. The next meeting of the committee will be on Monday 7th February, 2011.