Our well-qualified judge from the Botanics will be doing his rounds on 19th & 20th June and will, no doubt, be interested to chat to you if you’re in or near your garden. As usual, there’ll be awards and garden tokens for:
Best garden in each street; Best children’s garden; Most improved garden (with prize kindly sponsored by Banks Florists, Raeburn Place) and lastly the Best garden in the Colonies (with prize kindly sponsored by The Buffalo Grill)
All gardens are included in all categories except the “Most Improved” for which a ’before’ photo is needed and the children’s class. To register for these, please contact the Grapevine by 13th June on coloniesgrapevine@googlemail.com or phone Jane on 315 4950.
If you’d like your garden to be excluded, please inform the Grapevine.