February 2011 meeting notes

Stockbridge Colonies Residents Association Committee Meeting. Monday 7th February, 2011.

1. Apologies: Ian Cunningham, John Garrick.

Present: Dorothy Dobson, Chris Lumb, Morag Fitchet, Gill Brittle, Jane Smith, Jane Wood (Chaired meeting), Jean Butterworth, Isobel Bathgate.

2. Acceptance of Meeting Note from meeting on 24th November, 2010.  Gill to progress action from Item 4 Environment (Street Lights). All other actions were reviewed and the committee were happy that they would be progressed in this and future meetings. The meeting note was therefore accepted.

3. Dates for Your Diary.

Carol Singing. This event was very well attended with around 44 people participating. The highest turn out so far. £289.80 was raised for Maggie’s Centre at the Western General Hospital. Jane W said that various changes would be tried out in future years e.g. starting ta Reid Terrace (just for a change!), singing 3 carols per street (many residents said they had not heard the singers), having an adult accompany a child if the child is collecting.

Quiz Night. Due to changes in meeting dates, we have missed organising the quiz night for February. The meeting discussed the quiz night and agreed that since it was a successful social night as well as a good fund raiser, Dorothy would ask Grace and Robin if it could be held in April. All agreed that they would be happy to donate prizes too. Action: Dorothy.

AGM. This is due to be held on 23rd March at Tanfield Bowling Club. An AGM Newsline will be produced and will include; agenda, accounts, list of street convenors and committee members, request for new committee members, chairman’s update, forthcoming events, request for people to host events e.g. at yard sale.

In advance of the AGM, Gill to contact all existing members and see if they are happy being on the committee and the role they have. This allows people to stand down if they want to or carry on serving on the committee. Action: Gill.

Actions :- Gill to book Tanfield, Jane W to post notices on noticeboard, Morag and Isobel to update grapevine and website, Morag to get accounts audited, Gill and Isobel to produce AGM Newsline, Chris to see about speakers e.g. John Wharrie, Alex Cole-Hamilton, Gill to get update on baths from Wendy Avinou.

Spring Clean Scotland. This runs from 4th March until 16th May. 17th April was selected for the Colonies spring clean. It will start from 11am. Action: Jane W to organise packs and posters.

Yard Sale. This will be help on 15th May, the same day as the Botanics Plant Sale. Jane W has contacted the Botanics about sharing Marketing material and costs. Using Stockbridge Spotlight was also agreed. This costs £35 per advert and this cost could be shared between SCRA and the Botanics. Action: Jane W and Isobel (to design advert).

River Clean Up. Due to difficulties in obtaining dates for this that don’t clash with birds nesting and other events, this event will not be help this year.

Garden Competition. Jane W will approach Botanics and Dorothy will ask her contact at Jewel & Esk for possible judges. Bill Tait may be asked but but as he only did it two years ago, it may be a bit soon to ask him again. Dates will depend on judge’s availability but will be June / July. Jane asked for help in organising this and Gill agreed to lend a hand. Action: Jane W / Gill.

Spud in a Bucket. Jane S is away April / May but will start off the competition in March and will judge in August. Buckets will be available from 20th March. The Big Lunch (a nationwide community event) may be incorporated into the judging day. Action: Jane S.   

Snakey Day. May not be required in future as Council do look as though they are taking on the maintenance work e.g. hedge trimming. 

 4. Environment.

Bench for Snakey. Bench is due to be completed by mid-February and will be installed soon thereafter. We will get plaque made to commemorate Eddie Fairfield. Action: Morag. An opening ceremony should also be arranged.

Flood Prevention. The Council have appointed a contractor and work is scheduled to start in March. Public meeting has not happened even though people have asked for this. All residents have received their survey reports. Action: Chris to ask John Wharrie from CEC to attend AGM.

Dog Fouling. This is getting worse, and was very bad after the snow. Jane S has been speaking to the wardens and will continue to chase up improvement e.g. more patrols, more bins especially doggie bins. This issue is also raised at Neighbourhood Partnership meetings. It was noted that emailing Clarence can be an effective way of resolving issues. Action: Jane S.

Friends of Rocheid Path. Ian had received an email from Jen Johnstone, Park Ranger. She has suggested that the Rangers could set up an initial meeting of people and/or parties interested in setting up a Friends of Rocheid Path. Gill agreed to go back to Jen saying that SCRA and residents are interested but would like to know more about what the meeting would cover before sending out notification of a meeting. Action : Gill.

Parking. Ian has received a letter from CEC giving updates on parking. It is proposed to move a disabled parking bay so that it is directly opposite an entrance to one of the streets. This is not supported and Gill will email John Richmond with a reply on behalf of SCRA. Action: Gill.

5. Update from Neighbourhood Partnership Meetings. Bell Place is due to receive its new pavement(s) soon. Date to be confirmed. The provision of doggie bins will also be pursued. Action: Jean.

6. Newsline. Covered under AGM.

7. Website. Both Isobel and Jane have articles and photos to add. The subject of having a blog was discussed. Isobel explained that although the website is presented as a newspaper, the site is in blog style. We could have a “Have Your Say…………..” section if that would be used. Isobel and Morag agreed to use links to website in Grapevine emails in order to encourage people to use the website and provide content. Action: Isobel and Morag.

8. Grapevine. Nothing to report.

9. AOCB. It was noted that a huge pile of leaves is being collected in Edinburgh Academy’s grounds that, if blown over, will cover pedestrians, cars and whatever else it lands on. Also the bush and shrub trimming has not been continued the entire way along the strip beside Glenogle Road. Action: Morag to speak to the school.

There is a fish van coming to the Colonies on a Friday. This will be publicised for information. Action: Morag, Isobel.

10. Date of Next Meeting. Monday 11th April, 8pm at Dorothy’s. Apologies from Jane S for this meeting.