The 7 Colonies residents selling their beautiful creations this year still managed to make the afternoon worthwhile, despite the torrential rain on Sunday 8th November – it really couldn’t have been much wetter! Each of the households was welcoming and warm with wonderful displays of artwork, jewellery, hand-made decorations, toys, poetry published in the Colonies – and the refreshments and home baking made every visit even more appealing! You can see photos of the event on our Facebook page.
The total takings amounted to over £1300 in just 3 hours which is a significant increase on previous years and the general consensus was that there were (understandably!) fewer shoppers but those who did attend were intent on buying and strongly supported the Colonies Creators.
Thank you to all who participated in any way at all and here’s hoping Remembrance Day 2016 is somewhat brighter and drier!