Colonies Yard Sale ~ Sunday, 13th May, 2012

Updated 12th May!  The answer to your first question about this event is ‘yes, even if it’s raining, the yard sale will carry on’ so look for the balloons and then head indoors or under the gazebo in the marked garden to see what treasures you can find!  The full list below of what will be where is being updated frequently so use it to hunt out what specifically interests you or enjoy browsing round all the stalls.  We’ll appreciate your custom all the more if it’s raining! 

Here’s the list of participating households so far:

Hugh Miller – 32 paper, cards, notepads & ribbons, Colonies postcards
Rintoul – 23 Bric-a-brac, books, clothes, fabrics, handcrafted angels, fairies & Waldorf toys
Rintoul – 4 candles, silver jewellery, clocks made of old tins, clothes, decorative items & books
Colville – 4  bric-a-brac 
Collins – 9  HOME-MADE MARMALADE; clothes
Collins – 15 bric-a-brac, records, crockery
Balmoral – 17  furniture, ORIGINAL PAINTINGS, framed photos, greetings cards, bric-a-brac & refreshments
Dunrobin – 30  face painting, patchwork crafts and hand-made cards. REFRESHMENTS
Dunrobin – 5 interesting finds!
Dunrobin – 9 TOMBOLA – great prizes!
Teviotdale – 25 all sorts!
Teviotdale – 26 various arty crafty things
Teviotdale – 4 hand-made silver jewellery
Avondale – 20 HOME-MADE ORGANIC FOOD inc authentic Japanese sushi & CD’s!
Avondale – 22 HOME-MADE CUP CAKES straight from the oven & general household
Avondale – 23 beads, bric-a-brac and HOME BAKING
Avondale – 24 general household
Avondale – 26 COLD SOFT DRINKS plus possibly a few other things
Avondale – 12

VINTAGE CLOTHES, bags & costume jewellery. Raffle. ROLLS & REFRESHMENTS

Bell Pl –  27 unusual books, household items etc
Bell Pl – 13 PLANTS
Glenogle Pl – 5 bric-a-brac, musical game, busking by members of pipe bands
Glenogle Pl – 6 pumpkins for competition, bric a brac (lampshades etc), BABY ITEMS(buggies, cot, car seat, toys)


For residents who are new to the Colonies, this event is our biggest fund-raiser for the year.  It sees us selling home baked cakes, all sorts of interesting crafts and artefacts, garden plants and painting faces as well as making the most of the opportunity to clear out our attics and cupboards.  If you don’t have anything to sell, then that’s fine because we need lots of customers too!  You’ll be amazed at what you’ll find in our little Colonies gardens and at what a creative lot the Stockbridge Colonies residents are!  So, if you’d like to bake for our communal cake stall (always a total sell-out!),, have an idea for a game or would like to make the most of the opportunity to sell your own handicrafts or just have a general clear-out, please contact


We suggest that 20% of your profits goes towards SCRA funds but if you’re raising money for a specific charity, then please let us know and we’ll be glad for you to donate all your profit to a chosen cause dear to your heart. 


Following the success of our yard sales in the last few years, we’re holding the event to coincide again with the Botanics’ Annual Plant Sale.  The additional number of visitors in the area makes a significant difference to our own event and this year we expect the Stockbridge Sunday market customers to boost our sales too.  With 3 events on the same day, it makes a trip to Stockbridge all the more worthwhile!