Our popular annual carol-singing session was on Sunday, 16th December this year, starting at 4.30pm at the east end of the Colonies. We certainly had a record number of singers with about 25 choir members and about another 40 residents and friends who joined in for part or all of the time. We were fortunate enough to have the kindest weather ever in this millennium for the event!
As a result of our poll on this site in the autumn, Marie Curie Cancer Care’s newly refurbished hospice in Edinburgh was voted to receive the proceeds of our door-to-door collection during the evening, resulting in £406.92, exceeding the £383 raised at last year’s carol-singing event for St Columba’s Hospice.
With our new Colonies choir in fine fettle, our carols this year were well rehearsed and carried further than ever! The choir also gave their first mini-concert by performing a few of the songs which they’d been practising during their first few weeks at 6.15pm on the steps in front of Glenogle Baths and were surprised and delighted to have such a large audience! Thank you to everyone who applauded and donated to the collection! In fact, it was altogether an excellent team effort with the team of 6 collectors, all the singers and a couple of musicians too. Not only was the event great fun with many a bauble, set of antlers and red bobble hat and much tinsel worn but Marie Curie Cancer Care is extremely grateful for our donation. Thank you to everyone who contributed to the event’s success in any way at all.