Bins and recycling

Green bins (for recyclables including paper but excluding glass) should be at your garden gateway on the appropriate day.

Grey wheelie bins (for non-recyclables) should be at your garden gateway on the appropriate day.

Grey food bins should be taken to Glenogle Road every Tuesday.

Brown bins (for garden waste) should be taken to Glenogle Road on the appropriate day. 

Please mark ALL your bins with your house number & abbreviated street name & collect them as promptly as possible after emptying as they create hazards for pedestrians (and drivers on windy days).  If you can manage to take your neighbour’s bin back too, it would be much appreciated, as the sooner Glenogle Road pavement is cleared, the better!

The 3 new communal glass recycling bins are now in place at: Bridge Place; outside the emergency (west) door of Glenogle Baths; on Glenogle Road at the end of Kemp Place.  If one bin is full, please do not leave your glass there but either take it home and wait until the bin is emptied or use an alternative facility.  Please try to deposit your glass as quietly as possible and, out of respect for neighbours, never use these bins between 9pm and 7am.

The Council has agreed to monitor the new system and will welcome our feedback via (please cc

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