Stockbridge Colonies Residents’ Association Committee Meeting 1st August 2011.
Present :- Dorothy Dobson, Gill Brittle, Ian Cunningham, Chris Lumb, Morag Fitchet, Jane Smith, Jean Butterworth.
1. Apologies:- Richard, Jane Wood, Isobel Bathgate. Jane had provided an update for the meeting – this is incorporated in these meeting notes. Thanks Jane!
2. Role of Committee Members. Ian has kindly agreed to stay on as Chair but with Chris taking on role of speaking at AGM. Chris may consider if he wants to take on role of Chair and will let the meeting know. All committee members are happy with this position for the current time.
3. Acceptance of Meeting Note from 6th June 2011. The meeting note was accepted.
4. Dates for Your Diary.
Garden Competition. Judge Tony Garn, garden supervisor at RBGE, a well-qualified, diligent and kind man clearly enjoyed the role very much and went to great lengths with his resulting comments (all on website). RBGE allowed him to use some of his working hours for this community event but he also came along on at least 2 evenings with his wife to make his final decisions. He was grateful for the £25 Waterstone’s voucher as our small token of appreciation. Along with our request, Tony tried to select gardens with lawns so as to set a good example to aspiring winners so we have several first-time prize winners this year.
Margaret Swan, winner of best garden inthe Colonies, returned her £15 voucher for RBGE along with a letter for the committee (circulated at meeting). After discussion with some other committee members, Jane recycled her prize into 3 £5 prizes which were awarded to 3 “highly commended” gardeners. We’re vert grateful to Margaret for her genorosity.
Jane delivered prizes but, despite several efforts, was not able to speak to all winners personally. We hope everyone is happy with their prizes that have increased in value in line with yard sale proceeds.
The total of 4 entries for “most improved” was largest ever and the winning gardeners are tenants which is very refreshing. Sadly, despit there being more children than ever in the Colonies, there were no entries at all for the children’s section. Tony suggested that to keep the children’s attention, new ideas need to be generated. The meeting discussed this and the following ideas were suggested :-
Ugliest vegetable, Tallest sunflower, Pumpkin planting. These will be discussed at future meetings to decide what idea we take forward in 2012.
Cost of Competition. Best in street prizes 12 x £15 = £180, £25 for judge’s gift. Total = £205.
We are very grateful to Bank’s Florist for their generous prize of a magnificent blue hydrangeq for the winners of the “most improved” garden and to the Buffalo Grill for their prize of lunch for 2 for the winner of best garden. Jane and Dorothy have written to Banks and The Buffalo Grill to thank them.
Spud in a Bucket. This was judged on 26th June. Dorothy won both sections and generously gave her one of her prizes back into the competition to be awarded to the next competitor. Thanks to Jane for providing such a fun morning! All buckets were returned this year. Jane would prefer not to run the Spud in a Bucket next year but is happy to pass on buckets if anyone else wants to run it or a similar competition. The competition broke even this year.
Wine Tasting. Gill put out a note on Grapevine but since only one positive response was obtained, it has been decided not to run the wine tasting event.
Carol Singing. Having twice sung for Maggie’s Centre, Edinburgh and resulting from discussion at the AGM, it was agreed to put a poll on the website asking which charities we shoudl donate the proceeds. Four charities were suggested that the meeting and votes for these can be made via the website.
Quiz Night. Richard was to think about this event.
Jubilee Party. Jane S suggested a Jubilee Party for all the Colonies. She is happy to organise so long as others help her out. Date for Jubille weekend is 3 – 5th June 2012. This is around the time of the Yard Sale. Reid Terrace gren won’t be ready so we will have to ake over a street. It would be great if we could get Glenogle Road shut off too. Invitations would be extended to all residents of Glenogle Road Colonies too. Ideas of having pipe bands and/or local bands were supported. Insurance for the event will be purchased.
5. Flood Prevention. Rose Pipes met with Stuart Mackay from Lagan who informed her that the trees will not be cut down but will be left in place. The meeting noted that during the recent very wet weather the water level rose, flood alerst were issued and that sandbags and other defensive measures were put in place. The meeting also noted that progress was good and that the contractors were very approachable.
Email from resident Kairen Bergius regarding mink and sewage. There is a difference of opinion regarding the number of mink on the Water of Leith. However, control of mink falls under the control of the Water of Leith Trust. On sewage, it was concluded that Kieran should contact the council directly since he has all the relevant details. Action: Morag to contact the Trust about mink and Kieran in both regards.
6. Environment.
Wording for plaque on Snakey. At the meeting, Jane took all comments and a final wording was agreed. This is :-
These benches are dedicated to the many Colonies residents who campaigned for this area and to the memory of James Edward Fairfield (1946-2010) who designed “The Snakey”.
Stockbridge Colonies Residents Association 2011
Dog Fouling. Jane W has contacted Steve Cuthill, CEC, about additional bins and will pursue this action at the end of August when Steve is back in the office. Action: Gill and Morag to put out notices via Noticeboard and Grapevine.
New Street Lights. This item is closed since it looks like there is no money to purchase the new lights.
Parking. Secretary’s note. Chris checked the notices at the end of the streets and confirmed that business vehicles will NOT be able to park in the mews.
Ian updated the meeting with the news that double yellow lines would be extended from Canonmills into Glenogle Road and beyond the road bubble to ease congestion.
Edinburgh Academy. Jane S has received a good reply from the school saying they would, in their newsletter, ask parents to park considerately in Glenogle Road. The compost bin is not being added to. The worst of the barbed wire has been removed and action will be taken to tidy up the nettles. On the subject of Japanese Knotweed, the school will take expert advise on how to cut down and dispose of properly. SEPA are happy to advise.
7. No update from Neighbourhood Partnership meeting for this meeting.
8. Friends of Rocheid Path. Ian has volunteered to serve on the committee. The constitution is being drawn up and the meeting includes people from many of the surrounding areas. A history of the path/park has ben written and Ian will ask for a copy. Action: Ian.
9. Newsline. No update.
10. Website. Jane W has been great at updating. Others to see Isobel so they can update it too. Action: Jane S, Chris.
11. Grapevine. Morag is back with Grapevine.
12. AOCB.
Jean to ask Council to notify residents to cut back overhanging foliage. Gill to do poster for noticeboards. Action: Jean, Gill.
Date of Next Meeting Monday 3rd October, 2011.