All Stockbridge Colonies residents AND anyone interested in the hot topic of short holiday rentals is invited to the annual general meeting to be held at Tanfield Bowling Club at 7.30 on
Thursday, 29th March. This is the ideal opportunity not only to hear from the committee who have been working hard behind the scenes all year but also to air your views, discuss matters of local interest and meet other community-minded neighbours.
The guest speakers will be Andy Wightman (Green), MSP for Lothian and Hal Osler (Lib Dem), Councillor for Inverleith, both of whom are concerned about the impact of short holiday rentals on communities like ours so come along, hear about their experience and pose questions if you wish.
The committee is looking for new members too so if you’d like to be more involved in Colonies life and make a real contribution to community life here, please do so!
The bar will be open!