The AGM was held on Wednesday, 23rd March 2011 at 7.30pm at Tanfield Bowling Club.
Attendees from Stockbridge Colonies Residents’ Association Committee :- Ian Cunningham(Chair), Gill Brittle(Secretary), Morag Fitchet(Treasurer), Jean Butterworth, Dorothy Dobson, Chris Lumb, Isobel Bathgate, Jane Wood, Jane Smith.Present :- Around 50 residents from the Colonies attended. The Secretary has a list of attendees.
1. Apologies :- John Garrick, Rex Walker, Roman Bojczuk.
2. Minutes of 2010 AGM. The minutes of the 2010 AGM were accepted.
3. Presentation of the Annual Reports 2010 – 2011. Ian Cunningham gave an overview of the significant events in the Colonies throughout 2010 – 2011.
For all of us living in the Colonies, this has been a great year with many events taking place and many residents participating. Our annual events like the yard sale and quiz have proved popular and allow people to socialise as well as raising money for our funds.
Unfortunately, there has been a downturn in some aspects. Dog fouling has increased markedly. We are in communication with the Dog Wardens but if we want them to take action, we need to provide evidence. It is worthwhile mentioning to dog owners who allow their dogs to foul the streets, that it is in the interests of public hygiene that they bag and bin the dog dirt. Two complaints need to be raised before the Environmental Wardens will come down to asses the situation. So, please be vigilant. A bin has been requested for beside the bridge at Bell Place. This matter has also been taken to the Neighbourhood Partnership meetings.
There has also been an increase in burglaries. One person has been caught. Residents should be aware that more burglaries and attempted burglaries are occurring and should therefore take the necessary steps to prevent any opportunities for thiefs.
A major disappointment was the delay, yet again, of improving the pavement in Bell Place. Inverleith Partnership supported and approved the budget. However the work was cancelled in February at the behest of the Flood Prevention team. Their justification was that heavy vehicles will be accessing the Water of Leith via Bell Place to undertake flood defence work. These vehicles would likely cause damage to the pavements so any work should be postponed until after the flood defence work has been completed.
A major piece of good news is the installation of two benches on the Snakey. Please try them out. A commemorative plaque will be in place soon. We have received a certificate from the Lord Provest thanking the Residents’ Association for the benches.
Coming soon are the Quiz Night on 1st April and the ever popular Spud in a Bucket competition. Details are in the latest Newsline that has been delivered to all households in the Colonies.
4. Presentation of Accounts for 2010 – 2011. The balance is around the same as for the previous year. The Snakey benches have still to be paid for and this will cost £1,500. Two stainless steel benches were selected as these are equivalent to the cost of a single wooden bench. Printing of Newsline in colour was beautiful but very expensive (£337 for colour versus £67 for b&w). We may consider emailing out Newsline but will take views of Colonies residents before embarking on any such change.
The Council have taken on pruning and clipping of the Snakey bushes and grass therefore we have not had to incur expenditure.
The account thus has around £2,500.
5. Election of the committee for 2011 – 2012 and matters arising. All members of the committee stood down. John Garrick has intimated that it is with regret that he is standing down. All other members were happy to serve again. Ian asked if there were any volunteers for the committee. The committee meets every two months with Dorothy hosting the meetings.
6. Nomination of Street Convenors. All Street Convenors are in place. Rex Walker has indicated that he wishes to step down. David Cunningham volunteered to take over from Rex. Thanks were extended to Rex for all his help.
7. AOCB.
- Richard from Bell Place volunteered to join the committee. His offer was gratefully accepted.
- Friends of Rocheid Path. One meeting has been held already with another scheduled for 6th April in Stockbridge Library. Interested parties are from the Colonies as well as residents associations from Howard Place, Warriston and representatives from Inverleith Partnership. This group will decide on their remit and set plans to take matters forward.
- New Street Lights. The installation of energy saving lights that have reduced light pollution was placed on hold but was resurrected last year. Several months ago, two trial lights were placed in Teviotdale low / Avondale high. Some positive feedback has been obtained aong with some concerns about the lack of light given to the upper stairs that access the upper colonies. If the plans go ahead, there will be disruption since it means new lamps and lamp-posts will have to be installed. CEC (Steve Francy) is seeking comments from residents since the new lights will not be installed if residents object. After a good discussion it was decided that a poll would be placed on the web site inviting residents to vote on this issue.
- Carol Singing Beneficiary. For the last two years, all money raised from Carol Singing has been given to Maggie’s Centre – a local charity, dear to the hearts of many residents. If anyone has another charity they would like to nominate, please contact Jane Wood or any committee member.
- Yard Sale is coming up and volunteers for refreshments, tombola stalls are sought. Please see any member of the committee.
- Shoes strung up on telegraph pole in Snakey! The shoes have been there for a while and the police / pool will be asked if they can be removed.
- Spud in a Bucket – buckets available to purchase. £5 each.
- Big Lunch – national scheme held on the 5th June. It’s an opportunity for a street party and their web site contains all information required.
- Edinburgh Academy – the barbed wire on the wall on Glenogle Road is now at head height. Morag agreed to contact them.
- Potential Sale and Development in Inverleith Park. CEC have placed this on hold. Any developments would require public meetings. Inverleith Partnership and Friends of Inverlith Park web sites have facilities to accept public comments and have widely pblicised their opposition to the possible developments aired so far.
———————————– End of AGM Busines ——————————————–
As in previous years, guest speakers are invited to taolk to Colonies residents. This year’s guest speaker is John Wharrie, Consultant for the Flood Defence scheme with City of Edinburgh Council’s City Development Department.
John was accompanied by Brian Bainbridge (ARUP), Stuart Mackay (Communications Manager, Lagan).
John and colleages gave a very comprehensive overview of the history of the project and the proposed plans.
Contact Number for all questions, concerns and issues is Stuart Mackay 0333 20 20 121.
- 1986. LRC started looking into flood prevention schemes.
- 26/04/2000. Colonies flooded.
- November 2000. Colonies flooded for second time.
- 2003. Feasibility study and design completed. Objections raised and public enquiry ordered.
- 2004, 2005. Public enquiry. Scottish Exec asked for further consultations. SRU major objector.
- 2007 Scottish Ministry said go.
- 2007 SEPA regulations required.
- 2009 Main scheme tendering. Upgrading of reservoirs for upstream storage completed.
- 2009 Money ran out and CEC devised options to progress work in phases, starting at Bonnington and going to Veitch’s Square.
- 2011 Work starting in Bonnington in April and Ettrickdale Place in May (earliest). Work to take at least 12 months, Monday – Friday 07.30 – 18:00.
Please refer to CEC website – links to be provided for plans and schedule.